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NewOaks AI

Lifetime Deal

Automate lead capture, appointment booking, and customer support with an AI-powered system that operates on landing pages, widgets, and SMS
NewOaks AI lifetime dealNewOaks AI lifetime deal
Starting at $49
9 customer reviews
View plan details

60-day money-back guarantee. Try it out to be sure it’s the right fit for you!

Handling customer inquiries and appointment bookings all by yourself can be overwhelming, affecting your work-life balance and hindering business growth. (Might as well dust off the Ouija board for answers and see what happens.)

You want to maintain a positive online presence by providing excellent customer service, but hiring a full-time human assistant to handle these tasks is costly and challenging.

Imagine if there was a tool that could engage with customers 24/7, resolve inquiries instantly, capture leads, and convert them into appointments.

Meet NewOaks AI


Get a customizable chat that not only engages visitors but also smartly captures leads and helps you convert appointments
Deploy your automated AI assistant in a landing, widget or SMS system
Transform chat conversations into immediate business prospects with a 24/7 AI assistant that can be effortlessly trained with just one click
Best for

Customer service teams, small to medium-sized business owners; e-commerce website operators; customer service managers; Realtors; marketing professionals who want to improve their customer service and lead generation strategies.


SMS bot, Calendly, Google Calendar, Webhooks, API, Pabbly Connect

Alternative to

ChatBase, Intercom, Crisp, Zendesk, Tidio, Livechat


GDPR-compliant, AI, team mates, workspace sub-accounts, whitelable CNAME for embeds

How others are using it
  • E-Commerce Store: Provide 24/7 assistance to answer product-related questions, process orders, and handle returns or complaints, thereby improving customer service and sales.
  • Service Providers: Handle routine inquiries like appointment scheduling, service details, and pricing for businesses like salons, clinics, or educational institutions.
  • Realtors : Automate responses to common queries about property listings, pricing, and availability
  • HR: Assist employees with HR-related queries, IT support, and internal process information in large organizations.
  • Educators: Build a learning assistant chatbot that helps students with learning resources, answers subject-specific questions, and provides study tips, enhancing the educational experience.
  • Market Analyst: Use the chatbot to provide real-time market trends, comparative market analysis, and investment advice to clients and investors.
  • Event Organizers: Build a virtual assistant chatbot to guide attendees through virtual events or conferences, providing information on schedules, speakers, and networking opportunities.
  • Content Creators: Build a chatbot that helps with idea generation, plot development, and even provides feedback on written content.
  • Legal Professionals: Build a chatbot that provides basic legal information, document templates, and guidance on common legal procedures to users.


NewOaks AI resolves customer inquiries automatically and transforms your website into a lead-generating machine with smart, appointment booking chatbots

Imagine never missing a beat in customer support, even while you sleep.

NewOaks AI automates customer support, keeping your business ahead in today’s fast world.

It uses document upload and URL crawling to let the AI tap into your resources. This way, it provides answers that are natural, relevant, and helpful to customer queries.

Multilingual support removes language barriers, enabling effective communication with customers everywhere.

Choose between the robust GPT-3.5 or the advanced GPT-4 technology for customer support that’s not just automatic but also smart and intuitive.

With NewOaks AI, expect answers that are not only accurate but also connect with your customers, boosting satisfaction and efficiency.

NewOaks AI Knowledge SourcesNewOaks AI Knowledge Sources
Transform customer support into a 24/7 service, offering smart and natural answers by learning from your documents and website content.

Turn every visitor into a potential lead with just a click.

NewOaks AI’s lead capture feature is a digital magnet for your business, skillfully designed to transform casual website interactions into valuable leads.

How? By engaging visitors with intelligent, automated chat that not only answers their queries but also intuitively gathers key information.

Picture this: As visitors browse your site, at the perfect moment, the chat widget, powered by smart timing settings, pops up. It deftly shifts from providing answers to capturing essential contact details like names, emails, and phone numbers.

It also prompt visitors to schedule appointments directly through Calendly or Google Calendar integrations.

This seamless process ensures that no potential lead slips through the cracks.

It’s like having a hardworking, efficient, and smart sales assistant who never stops working. This assistant makes sure every chat is a chance for growth.

NewOaks AI lead captureNewOaks AI lead capture
Turn your website into a lead-generating powerhouse, engaging visitors with smart chats that learn and capture key details

Imagine reaching your customers directly in their pockets – that’s the magic of NewOaks AI’s SMS feature.

It answers text questions and even starts conversations with your audience via SMS. Helping you identify qualified leads and book appointments.

The SMS chatbot isn’t just responsive; it’s also proactive. You can set it to start conversations after a certain time, making sure your potential customers get engaged at the perfect moment.

Whether it’s answering questions about your services or following up with leads, NewOaks AI chatbot does it all through SMS.

NewOaks AI SMS appointmentsNewOaks AI SMS appointments
Automate your SMS marketing with AI: start conversations, answer queries, and follow up with prospects automatically.

Would you like to start your own AI chatbot agency? With NewOaks AI, it becomes an exciting reality.

Tier 3 includes many of features designed for those who want to create unlimited chatbots, offering unlimited team seats and have all well organized in separated workspaces.

It’s the perfect solution for helping clients build bespoke chatbots tailored to a variety of needs, be it customer support, lead generation, appointment booking, or automated SMS marketing.

And with the included with custom domain (CNAME) that will white labeling for the embededing code, so you can offer these services as if they were under your own brand (the customer will see your own domain on the code that is used to embed the AI assistant).

Imagine empowering businesses with their own AI assistants, while simultaneously building a steady revenue source and enhancing your agency’s reputation.

NewOaks AI - Agency planNewOaks AI - Agency plan
Launch your AI chatbot agency with custom domain for whitelabeling the embed code and unlimited chatbots.

Trying to manage chat support on your website can sometimes feel like playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Just when you think you’ve got everything under control, another query pops up, leaving you wishing you had a few extra hands – or perhaps a few extra brains!

NewOaks AI is more than a chat support tool; it’s a powerhouse for your website. The AI-powered chatbot doesn’t just solve queries nonstop; it also captures and engages leads automatically.

Imagine a tireless, smart assistant, always ready to chat, inform, and turn interest into real opportunities like more leads and appointments.

Turn your business into a fully automated customer-enhanced experience.

Get Lifetime access to NewOaks AI today!

Plans and Features​

Deal Terms & Conditions
  • Lifetime access to NewOaks AI
  • All future Essential (tier 1), Growth (tier 2), PRO, (tier 3) Plan updates
  • If Plan names change, deal will be mapped to the new Plan with all accompanying updates
  • No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that's right for you
  • Ability to upgrade between 3 license tiers while the deal is available
  • Ability to downgrade between 3 license tiers within the 60-day refund period
  • You must redeem your deal within 60 days of purchase
  • GDPR compliant
  • 60-day money-back guarantee. Try it out to be sure it’s the right fit for you!

    Features Included in All Plans
  • 24/7 AI assistant
  • Human handover
  • One-click multi-source training (URLs, TXT, PDF, DOCX, Custom Q&A, etc)
  • Lead capture
  • Branding removal
  • OpenAI - Bring your own key BYOK
  • Starting at $49
    Lifetime Deal
    View plans
    9 customer reviews

    60-day money-back guarantee. Try it out to be sure it’s the right fit for you!

    License Tier 1
    One Time Purchase of
  • All features above included
  • 3 chatbots
  • 3 team seats
  • 3 workspaces
  • Appointment scheduler
  • License Tier 2
    One Time Purchase of
    $149|   $1750 
  • All features above included
  • 10 chatbots
  • 10 team seats
  • 10 workspaces
  • Appointment scheduler
  • Live Chat (web & mobile app)
  • SMS bot
  • Webhooks
  • License Tier 3
    One Time Purchase of
  • All features above included
  • Unlimited chatbots
  • Unlimited team seats
  • Unlimited workspaces
  • Appointment scheduler
  • Live Chat (web & mobile app)
  • SMS bot
  • Webhooks
  • API
  • Whitelabel embeddable code with Unlimited CNAME (1 per workspace)
  • *Check the Whitelable frontend addon for a more “your own SaaS” experience for your customers.

    Pinned Resources

    Ray Luan

    Ray Luan

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    Webinar with the team (March 2024)
    First post from founder

    Hi Zillas,

    Ray from NewOaks AI here presenting our exclusive lifetime deal for SaasZilla!


    Who are we? 👋

    NewOaks AI is a team of 6 members. I am the CEO and Co-founder of NewOaks AI. My partner Calvin and I have been working in the SaaS industry for over 10 years. I used to work for Tiktok’s parent company Bytedance as Product Manager in charge of the used car e-commerce business line.

    My partner has built an online startup then sold it to Ebay. We have released our first AI product ChatRealor AI on Product Hunt and ranked as top 3 product of the day in September. NewOaks AI is an evolution from that technology.


    Why create NewOaks? 🚀

    As a small business expands, the number of customer inquiries and appointment bookings increases substantially. The owner has been handling all customer interactions themselves, but this has become overwhelming and is negatively affecting their work-life balance.

    In order to provide excellent customer service and maintain a positive online presence, the owner needs to have someone available to answer inquiries, book appointments, and follow up with customers on the official website, via text messages, and on social media platforms.  However, hiring a full-time human assistant to handle these tasks around the clock would be costly and challenging due to training on your company’s knowledge, shift scheduling, work-life balance considerations.
    To address this challenge, SMB can implement our AI-powered virtual assistant to handle customer inquiries and appointments . Our virtual assistant can be programmed with no-code at all by providing a set of URLs or uploading documents containing the knowledge of your company. That way, it will be able to provide accurate responses to your customer queries, book appointments based on availability of your calendar, and send follow-up messages to customers, all without the need for breaks or shift scheduling.
    NewOaks AI can help you to:
    1. Resolve 80% customer inquiries instantly ❤️🔥
    2. Convert leads to appointments by Text SMS, Chat Bubble on websites and Social Media
    3. Cut customer service costs up to 50%


    How NewOaks AI is different from the rest of competitors 🔎


    While AI chat assistants can offer advanced chatbot solutions, they may not provide the same level of specialized text SMS services, calendar integration for appointments or the CRM integration capabilities that NewOaks AI offers.
    For agencies and their customers, we are offering a series of specialized features such as team seats with separated workspaces, incoming and outgoing data with webhooks and whitelabel for the embed code. That way, they can manage the service for their customers without revealing our brand.
    Supported languages (multi-language processing) 🗣️
    Every possible language supported by OpenAI: English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish…
    5 types of data sources for training your AI assistant 🧠
    Files ( .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt), Text, General Website, custom manual input Q&A. Every single data format can be used for training. You can also use all different data sources to train a single chatbot (but please avoid duplicating content. Also remember to “Retrain” your chatbot every time you upload a new data source so that the changes can be updated on the system.)
    Besides that, 2-way data integrations thanks to the use of webhooks and API.
    What’s on it for you?
    We are providing unique features for this LTD that are restricted in our regular MRR plans or that don’t even exist for them yet.
    For all the LTD plans, the “appointment schedule” module is unlocked by now.
    We are also offering extended training storage for EACH bot (up to max. number of characters stored on a bot knowledge base) – Tier 1 for 1.1m, Tier 2 for 5m, Tier 3 for 32m.
    And lastly, Whitelable option for agencies on Tier 3 with our own CNAME for the embeddable code (it won’t display our URL but yours) and unlimited workspaces and users.
    We invite you to try NewOaks and provide feedback. 🙌
    (no-risk 60-day refund guarantee on this lifetime deal)
    Our team is eager to have your input on deciding on the roadmap for our tool and our direct support is just an email away.
    Please let us know if you have any questions in the comments section here or by sending us an email. We are happy to help.
    FAQs about company and product

    When was your company founded & where is it located?

    Founded in April 2023 / Irvine CA, USA.

    Any details to clarify about the deal?

    We are offering extended training storage/number of characters for EACH bot compared with the regular plans on our website (up to max. number of characters stored on a bot knowledge base to retrieve the information for the conversations) Tier 1 = 1.1m / Tier 2 = 5m, Tier 3 = 32m.

    Is there human handover?

    Yes. Human handover by email is available for everyone. Depending on the tier, you’ll also have access to live chat on web and mobile app.

    Do you offer a full frontend whitelable experience for my agency customers?

    Yes, due to the requests of this feature, we have decided to implement it as an optional addon for those who have this particular requirement.

    Note that the current tier 3 already provides a managed service for agencies to utilize embedded code with a CNAME, ensuring that customers do not recognize the origin of the embedded code as NewOaks.

    For those looking for something that closely resemble “your own SaaS”, they can purchase and stack the Witelable addon on top of the NewOaks Tier 3 while it is available.

    Webinar with the team (March 2024)

    Here is the webinar with the team:


    3:20 About the team behind the tool
    5:00 Why creating NewOaks AI
    16:36 Live walktrough
    33:17 AI auto-appointments demo
    40:00 Human handover demo
    46:00 Roadmap
    49:00 Q&As

    Questions & Reviews​

    Please log in to ask a question.

    73 comments on "NewOaks AI"

    Have any questions? Ask the founders here.

      • Certainly, you can integrate it into any website as a landbot, a widget, or even utilize it via SMS. According to the knowledge base, you can develop individual bots for each product, product category, and even for the entire store.
        Enhanced e-commerce integration is in the works. It’s highly recommended to give it a try on your own. Additionally, the team behind it is known for being highly responsive!

    1. Hello, I would like to buy the LTD but my concern is if your company shutdown? My blogs would go down with it also. Can I self-host my blog?
      And I monetize through display ads, can I also add ads placement?

      • Hello, it seems you may be inquiring about a different product. This is NewOaks deal page, but I understand you are looking for information about Typeflo. Despite this confusion, I will address your query:

        Typeflo, a hosting service for Google Docs, processes your documents to ensure secure access to all your content. While nothing is permanent, Typeflo boasts an efficient system, suggesting they not only possess a great concept but also a sustainable one.

    2. Is the Tier 3 include the Whilelabel like it says, or is this just for CNAME? Are we going to be able to brand the chatbot completely removing NewOaks from the client’s view?

      There is currently an option to add a “Whitelabel” code in the backend, but I understand i under development. Is this code going to be included at no additional cost if you purchase the Tier 3?


      • Hayden, the white label code is for extra add-on/upgrade on top of tier 3, a dashboard/email white label, not included in Tier3. The custom domain was included in Tier 3.

    3. how will the tier 3 unlimited and white label work
      i am looking at been able to sell to my clients as an agency
      how will it work for my clients , do i just put a widget on their site ?
      how will it work from there, how will they see the analytics and data collected ?

    4. Hello Ray,
      Can I use Sessions.us for the scheduling? It’s a web conference & session platform like Zoom but having also features like Calendy

    5. Hello Ray,

      After watching your recent webinar, I was greatly impressed by the comprehensive overview of NewOaks AI features and future plans. The insights provided, along with the team’s recent updates, played a significant role in my decision to invest in a Tier 3 license. However, I have some questions that I couldn’t find answers to on my own, which I believe could also aid others considering a Tier 3 license.

      Video Editing Tech Integration: The webinar mentioned specific video editing technology, but I saw no details on the roadmap. Can you share if this feature is currently accessible or if there’s a timeline for its integration?

      Workspace Manager Development Inquiry: The roadmap indicates the Workspace Manager feature is under development, highlighting team seat and workspace management. Will this specifically allow Tier 3 users to create personalized client dashboards for independent chatbot management, including API key updates and training data modifications? Any additional insights into its development would be appreciated.

      Auto Reply/Engagement Feature Inquiry for Multiple Platforms: The potential of this feature for enhancing consumer engagement by automating reactions and responses to comments, and supporting marketing efforts universally is quite powerful. However, I couldn’t find any mention of it on the roadmap or an option to add it myself. Can this bot function on a separate and independent profile to assist the live streamer?

      Internal Chatbot Capabilities: The webinar touched on backend techniques like truncating for improving response quality. What are the best practices for training data formatting to optimize these techniques? I’m looking to develop internal standardized procedures and considering bidirectional URL references. Would this complicate training, or is there a recommended method for efficient document organization?

      I’m particularly excited about these features’ potential, especially for internal chatbot applications, even though they weren’t extensively covered in the webinar.

      Once more, thanks for taking the time to read and answer my questions. Your help with these questions would be very helpful, not just for me but also for other people who are still waiting to get their license.

      • Hi AnonDino, appreciated your time for getting to know NewOaks AI product.
        1. Video Editting Tool: it is a separate product which is generating traffic for video bloggers from NewOaks’s sister company. The product will not be LTD but be integrated with NewOaks AI’s MRR price plan.

        2. Worksapce Mananger is already released. Your sub-account can manage chatbot except setting up its own API key (we only allow admin account to set API key for avoiding API key poping up error due to OpenAI’s poor key management)

        3. WhatsAPP, FB, Insta integration (for business API account only) is under development. Tiktok video comment autoreply and live streamer reply is on Roadmap but it depends on whether Tiktok release its API for auto reply video comments

        4. Internal chatbot capabilities for example trunking will be a management console for you as an admin to manage/edit the trunks on our backend (ETA 1 month to be released). It will be a self-servicing technique for improving chat quality. For further discussions, please send me email: [email protected] if it is needed or DM me on facebook.

        • I just seen you will be adding tiktok, whats’app, and some social media support. Will you be adding discord by chance? Also what social networks supported for content creators?

    6. Could you please integrate NewOaks with ActivePieces http://www.activepieces.com (open-source automation focused on marketing, sales and operation, and backed by Y-Combinator)?
      Twilio is fantastic, but in Europe, Telnyx has the best offerings and is recommended by SMS marketing platforms like ETM Easy Text Marketing. Could you add it to your roadmap?

      • The LTD is Bring Your Own Key solution. We do have a price plan for builtin API tokens but it is a monthly subscription plan.

    7. Hi,
      This looks Really enticing.
      I just purchased another embeddable chatbot builder and the context window limits are 25,000 and your top tier is 32,000,000? That’s a lot of training data.

      I’m curious to understand more about how this will react to product inquiries if provided with a product sitemap and a blog roll. Would it return product suggestions based on what it learns from the blog?

      Also, the one thing that the other has that anyone on tier 3 would REALLY benefit from is if you had a little branding option available.
      Just about the text box there is a place for a linked image. It’s 339×35 pixels.
      Here’s an example. https://imgur.com/a/JuW7OW1
      This would be Over The Top for tier 3.

      • Also, what are storage limits for training data?
        And security wise on the uploaded data?
        In the USA we have HIPPA compliance requirements for medical.
        It is also mentioned in a comment I believe, that there is a plan for being able to utilize other data stores? Can you tell us a little more about that?

      • Hey Dog, thanks for your detailed questions. 1. yes we provide limit of 32 million for tier 3. It has nothing to do with context window. Context window is decided by the exact model of LLM, (ChatGPT 3.5 or GPT 4 etc), Not by us. “The powered by NewOaks AI” link will be removed for Tier 2 and Tier 3 users.

    8. Hi,

      I understand that the objective of this software is for client engagement and scheduling appointments. Can I use them for other purposes as well? For example, since there is a feature to upload PDF files for the bot, can I upload a textbook and ask the bot questions related to the book?

      • Hi Farhan, thank you for your comments. Yes you certainly can upload a text book in PDF format and talk to the chatbot for questions regarding to the book. Please be sure to use customer service template prompt for the questions. I attached our discord support link below:

    9. Where are your servers located. Also, are you GDPR compliant and how do you deal with data security. What do you track etc?

      • Our server is located in Microsoft Azure West Coast Server. We only record clients log-in data and track nothing beyond that. All training data and account is allowed to be deleted completely in order to comply with GDPR.

    10. Hi. Just starting to look at this having opted for the T3 option. Looks like a stellar product (even with Open.ai allowing GPT creation). A few Qs

      1. Can you please confirm what procedures you have in place for protecting data uploaded to the system and where data is kept (and how you are GDPR compliant)
      2. Can you please incorporate direct booking into Google Calandar or something similar and free. Many of us don’t use Calendly.
      3. If you were to incorporate a user’s ability to upload a document, that would be a def USP. To show what I mean, let’s say I train the bot on my internal policies. Then my user (an employee) can upload a document and the bot will determine if it’s within the policy or not.
      4. Alternate LLMs would also be a great feature as Open.ai is very up and down on performance.


      • Hi Stephen,

        Thanks for your comments. Here are the answers:
        1. We only record user’s login information. The account is allowe to be deleted any time and we keep one week for restoration then delete permanently after one week. The data is stored in Microsoft Azure US West for now. And we will provide an option for storing your data in vector database of your own choice (it may incur extra charge because the data transfer and collaboration cost is high).
        2. We are integrating with Google Calendar now, which will be released within one week. Other integration is on the way but up to poll.
        3. You can use workspace to manage the internal policies of your employees. One workspace can contain multiple team member emails and one team email is allowed to create only one chatbot. Admin account has full authority to create, manage and delete all chatbots under workspace.
        4. We provide OpenRouter functionality to utilize NewOaks’s API interface, and also as well as LLMs such as Claude too.
        5. Please join our discord support community for any questions: https://discord.com/invite/fuBt2K6k3p

    11. I’ve encountered too many error messages like “There are too many users, please try again later”. I don’t believe we have “many users” now; how can we handle it when we do have many users in the future?

      • Glad to hear by email that you and the developer are working on solving that situation that seems to come from your personal OpenAI key.

    12. Dear Ray Luan,

      Thank you for your product, currently I am facing problem like this when I want to make an appointment:
      I use Vietnamese: “Tôi muốn đặt hẹn” then the booking feature appears with an English text “Please select the date and time that you’re available, and confirm the best email address for you.”
      Let me ask: how can I translate that notice into Vietnamese or “fix” it?

    13. Hi Ray!

      Is the CNAME available at the account level, meaning there is only 1 or is this at the workspace level meaning 1 for each bot?

      • Hi Criativos,

        Sorry I lost track of this review section as many folks asked questions on facebook community. Each Cname is set for each chatbot.

    14. Hallo
      I have read in various places that the connections of the bots are often terminated due to overload.
      You write about GPT that you use Bring Your Own Key (BYOK).
      Is it also possible with vector databases such as pgvector to use your own key and thus ensure smooth operation without disruptions?

    15. So as far as i understand Tier 3 would let me create multiple workspaces as well as use multiple domains correct? This would make sense if im an agency and want to use the service for multiple clients

      • Yes you can create mutiple workspace. Cname can be created for every chatbot. One workspace can create multiple sub-accounts, but one subaccount can only create one chatbot.

    16. Hello Ray.

      Is the CNAME available at the account level, meaning there is only 1 or is this at the workspace level meaning 1 for each bot?

    17. Hi Ray,

      A few questions if you could assist:

      1)Agency-Client BYOK:
      For Agencies to manage client usage for BYOK – do you envision the simpliest way to setup a unique key for each client (so that they are billed for usage) and setup the unique client key within the respective workspace?

      Are the SMS provided by your platform or via an intergration with Twilo?
      If they are provided by your platform is there an charging model or limit per bot/client?
      If they are charged can we set up different payment methods per bot/client?

      3)Human handover alert via SMS
      If a customer requests human handover is there a possibility an sms can be sent to a client with a link to the conversation (via an intergration with Twilio/Zapier) etc?

      4)iOS Mobile app for human handover?
      Do you have any plans to develop a mobile app so conversations can be accesssed on the go?

      I can see you have Zapier, webhooks and API intergrations. Do you plan to have any more intergrations such as Albato or other marketing software such as Brevo?

      Many thanks,


      • Sorry to miss out your question under SaaSZilla’s Deal page. here are the answers:

        The easiest way to set BYOK for each email account is that create one workspace for only one client’s email account. One email account can only create one chatbot for now. That way you can manage BYOK unique Open API key for each client easily. You just manage your client per workspace.

        Google voice is only available for US and Canada. you can use personal gmail account which is free. BTW where do you plan to use Text SMS? We plan to integrate with other suppliers like Twilio

        The answer is yes, but we need to integrate with Twilio and Zapier or your preferred supplier first, which will take some work

        We are planning to release an IOS app for human takeover on the live chat of chatbot, which may take one month or so

        We don’t have Zapier yet but will integrate it. The integration with other marketing software will be considered per vote by our users then we will go for the most desired ones.

    18. Congratulations on your Saaszilla launch! Your product caught my eyes immediately. I have several questions.

      1. Are the workspaces for NewOaks AI private?
      2. Can a separate OpenAI key be added to each workspace or bot?
      3. Are these chatbots suitable to be used with client websites?
      4. Your website describe the SMS feature as “Zero Cost’. Could you please share some details on this? Do we need to use a service like Twilio?
      5. Do you have a roadmap?

      Thank you in advance for your time.

      • Hi Trevor, thanks for the questions. Below are my answers:
        1. Are the workspaces for NewOaks AI private?
        The main account can manage workspace, the sub-account can only see its own workspace. Does it answer your question?
        2. Can a separate OpenAI key be added to each workspace or bot?
        Yes, a separate OPena AI API Key is assigned per workspace. A workspace can manage more than one email account, which is only able to create one chatbot
        3. Are these chatbots suitable to be used with client websites?
        The chatbots can be embeded to client websites by copy and paste a piece of script
        4. Your website describe the SMS feature as “Zero Cost’. Could you please share some details on this? Do we need to use a service like Twilio?
        The SMS feature is deployed to Google Voice number (personal account is free), compared with Twilio, you dont’ need to pay any cost per message and no monthly installation fee for the google voice number. Twilio will be integrated soon but it is expensive to use.
        5. Do you have a roadmap?
        Yes we do have roadmap under workspace panel once you loginto NewOaks AI website

    19. You have a good feature on your app, seems to be a fully functioning lead-generation tool, However, I am trying your chatbot on your website but it says

      “There are too many users, please try again later”

      What’s happening there? Is there a bug, or do you have limited resources to accommodate users, this kinda limiting you know?

      Planning on getting the max tier.

      • Ken, thanks for the comments! The too many users error msg are due to high volume visits this morning after launch so that the server was jammed. We already increased the capacity of server so now it is fixed. Please DM me if you have any questions!

    20. Best Wishes for your Launch ! I like the appointment feature , can it be preceded by payment ? What is the character limits for training/bot ?

      • Satish thank you for your review! I am not sure that I fully understood your question. If I understand it correctly, you meant sending a payment link before the appointment? Yes if it is what you asked for. A payment link can be accommodated by adding to the knowledge base as a Q/A pair to train the chatbot.

    1. Avatar

      Momo Feichtinger (verified buyer)

      Great product.
      But even more amazing founder. Very active and responsive.
      They honor their promises.
      I do have retune, answerly and more – but newoaks (with the whitelabel addon) is probably one of the greatest deals.

      Of course someday I hope for proper sourcing of the embeddings.

      But the most amazing thing is the commitment of the founder.
      Thank you!

    2. Avatar

      Ken Borbon (verified buyer)

      I have been using NewOaks AI since its launch, and it has proven to be a game-changer for my business. Coming from other SAAS platforms like ReTune and MagicForm, which are either struggling or no longer in operation, NewOaks AI stands out with its features and active support.

      The chat functionality of NewOaks AI has exceeded my expectations, catering perfectly to my local client base. While it may not be perfect but Ray Luan, the founder, has been incredibly responsive in providing technical assistance. The roadmap of upcoming features, such as Meta and Claude Integration, promises even more significant enhancements for customer service.

      Recently, I decided to invest in the whitelabel add-ons offered by NewOaks AI, and it has added tremendous value to my freelancing business. The seamless integration of the whitelabel feature aligns perfectly with my brand image and enhances the overall customer experience.

      Ray’s dedication to continuous improvement and commitment to customer satisfaction instills confidence in the product’s potential. I am not only investing in a tool but also in a visionary founder who is shaping the future of customer service and lead generation.

      I highly recommend NewOaks AI to anyone seeking to elevate their customer service and maximize lead generation efforts.

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      Sumit Pradhan (verified buyer)

      I would love to see an integration with sessions.us for direct scheduling just like calendly.

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      Kim Lovino (verified buyer)

      Just bought Tier 3 and so far the onboarding was pretty smooth. It has similar layout as Chatbase as most have noted which is simple and minimal so setting up my first chatbot took me about or may be even less than 10 minutes.

      Some wish lists~
      I would love for the appointment booking to get integrated to:
      – Jane App
      – Tidycal
      and I would like to see:
      – usage/limits in the dashboard without me having to go to openai

      Also, I tried the Discord community link in the sales page but it looks like the invitation is expired now… is there a new link to join the Newoaks community?


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      Hamza EL (verified buyer)

      I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the features and benefits offered by the NewOaks AI Lifetime Deal. The ability to automate lead capture, appointment booking, and customer support through an AI-powered system is truly impressive. I appreciate how NewOaks AI can handle customer inquiries and appointment bookings seamlessly, providing a 24/7 engagement solution that enhances efficiency and customer satisfaction.

      The promise of resolving 80% of customer inquiries instantly, converting leads into appointments through various channels like Text SMS, Chat Bubble on websites, and Social Media, as well as reducing customer service costs by up to 50% is quite enticing. Moreover, the support for multiple languages and the flexibility in training the AI assistant with various data sources demonstrate the versatility and user-friendliness of NewOaks AI.

      The exclusive features offered in the Lifetime Deal, such as the “appointment schedule” module, extended training storage for each bot, and the Whitelabel option for agencies, add significant value to the package. The no-risk 60-day refund guarantee further instills confidence in trying out this lifetime deal.

      After experiencing the capabilities of NewOaks AI, I am convinced that I would not need to look for another AI chatbot solution. One enhancement that would elevate the user experience even further would be an integration with Chatbreez, another deal available on SaasZilla. The synergy between NewOaks AI and Chatbreez could potentially create a comprehensive customer engagement ecosystem that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness across various communication channels.

      Moreover, having personally engaged with the founder of NewOaks AI on several occasions and establishing a close relationship adds a personal touch to my experience with the product. This connection further solidifies my trust in the brand and its commitment to excellence.

      In conclusion, I am highly satisfied with the NewOaks AI Lifetime Deal and look forward to witnessing its continuous evolution and potential integrations with other innovative solutions like Chatbreez on SaasZilla. Cheers to the team behind NewOaks AI for their dedication to providing exceptional tools for businesses seeking to excel in customer service and lead conversion!

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      Darkglasses (verified buyer)

      I’ve only just purchased based on the specs and discussions with one of the other reviewers that I know and trust from working with other chatbots. From everything I’ve seen so far, this is worth a punt – especially at the intro price! Join the Discord server to find out more and talk to the founder and other users – see you there.

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      Seb Watts (verified buyer)

      I have had NewOaks for a few weeks now and it is a fantastic chatbot. The first thing I want to say is that there is pretty much no chatbot that provides this much value on an LTD. I understand you don’t get monthly credits but to be fair, if you are selling to clients, BYOK is the way to go.

      You get a lot here and the founders are awesome. They listen to feedback, answer questions in their discord channel, and really do their best to keep customers happy. Long may it continue!

      Here is what I like about NewOaks AI:

      – The layout is similar to chatbase which works really well. So simple to use. It also looks great on mobile so you can create and edit chatbots on the go.
      – You have 32m character upload. This is huge!
      – Integrated calendar options. Many chatbots don’t have this.
      – SMS Text
      – Very quick and scraping URLs, sitemaps etc.
      – It is pretty accurate on reading data as far as I can tell.
      – You can add in FAQs, PDfs, docs etc.
      – Capture leads, make appointments and access them easily.
      – Webhook access to work with Zapier, Pabbly, Activepieces.
      – Customisable Chatbots (More than any I know)
      – Own workspace for clients with all access and unlimited team invites. 9 (Tier 3)
      – Set limits on openai usage and choose between GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 Turbo currently.

      What can be improved on:
      – Lacking in integrations such as messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp, discord, telegram etc. (These are on the way I think)
      – Google Sheets integration is coming but not there yet.
      – Integration with E-commerce so it can list accurately product links, even buy through a chatbot etc.
      – More LLMs are needed.
      – Whitelable is on the way I believe.

      I’m sure there is more but you need to check it out for yourself and be amazed. The roadmap looks promising. Don’t miss out on this one! Keep up the goodwork Ray and the NewOaks team. This tool is on the up and I hope NewOaks doesn’t sink to the bottom of the ocean like other chatbots are stays sustainable and becomes one of the best!

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      Ryan Gee (verified buyer)

      Unlimited bots and outputs, unlike some recent competitors. Pricing is amazing. But best of all is the commitment of the founder. Check out the SaasZilla Facebook page and you will see Ray constantly commenting and responding to comments from the community. I have seen him implement multiple ideas which were suggested by community members and is willing to talk the ideas through to get a better sense of the needs of his customers. To me, this is the best sign of a SaaS with lots of potential.

      Ray, keep up the good work!

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      Highlander (verified buyer)

      Very interesting deal. The team has drawn inspiration from one of my fave apps Chatbase so it’s no surprise that the UI is similar to Chatbase. Clean, sleek and easy to understand.

      But what you get is the unlimited bots instead of 40 subs from Chatbase. NewOaks output is promising. The webhook allows us to get more info from leads who have interacted with our chatbots. Also they make it easy to integrate with Calendly.

      Downside? No proper API documentation. That sets Chatbase apart from NewOaks. But the team behind this will figure this out if they choose to. Afterall, Chatbase is run by 1 guy and NewOaks is a team.

      So if you’re still thinking about it…

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