Publicfast Lifetime Deal

Publicfast LTD

Get the most out of influencer marketing, with the right influencers!

You’ve spent weeks, or probably months, looking for influencers to promote your brand.

After many trials and errors, you chose one in the same field. He/She doesn’t exactly focus on your niche but you still decide to give it a go.

You’re now left with a diminishing marketing budget and zero results.

Finally, you end up paying thousands of dollars to an agency to handle your campaigns. Is there a way you can avoid all this trouble and ace your influencer marketing campaign at trial #1?

While influencer marketing can be a nightmare to many because of all the obscurity; Publicfast is transforming the process into a simple, 5-minute activity!

Getting started with Publicfast is very simple.

  • Choose the platform that’s best suited for your industry (FB, Youtube, Instagram, etc.)
  • Search for the influencers by keyword, country & the number of followers they have
  • Pick the right influencers, and export them to your list

You can then reach out to them via email, or within the Publicfast Platform.

With a database of over 4M influencers from every niche, you’d be spoilt for choice.

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Let’s have a quick look at the features that make Publicfast as one of the best influencer marketing tools out there.

  • Multi-level filtering : Find the perfect influencer for your niche who can help take your brand to your target audience. It is as simple as searching on Google applying multiple filters
  • Predictive Metrics : Determine the exact outcome of your campaign with forecast results. Explore the cost for X number of impressions, CPM, CPC, etc. & adjust your campaign to maximize your ROI
  • Set your Budget : You are not losing an arm & leg to hire an influencer. With Publicfast, you can start running the campaigns for the budget as little as $5
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  • Know your Influencers : You can see the detailed analytics of any influencer, which includes but not limited to their target reach, demographics of their followers, age, languages etc.
  • Verified Influencers : All the influencers registered on Publicfast are reviewed & rated by the machine learning algorithm
  • Detailed Analytics: When your campaign starts running, you would be seeing the detailed performance analytics. You can tweak your campaigns to help achieve your brand goals through your influencers.
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With all the power-packed features, Publicfast customers are paying $42/month for 500  contacts per month.

But not today.

Today, you can get the tool for $49/lifetime for 300 contacts per month.

Plus, we have made it more special for you.

Do you see that you need more than 300 contacts per month? Worry not.

You can stack this deal up to 5 times to get up to 2,000 contacts each month.